Beautiful Tips Nikita Willy
Nikita Willy filming sometimes made not had time to treat yourself to a salon regularly. Even so, Niki still look pretty and cheerful. So what exactly is Niki tips can still look beautiful?
"Yes I like to massage places, once a month. I most love to face full-blooded, most happy-massage massaged so I face," said Niki met on the sidelines when the soap operas filmed at Studio Persari, Jagakarta.
In addition, Niki was also always taking the time to exercise, because he thought it was very easy to do on the sidelines empty time.
"I've always been an empty exercise if there's time, because exercise also helps me beauty," she explained.
Not only exercise and facial treatments, but Niki also maintain a diet. Niki claims that he did not really like the food junk food. "If the food, I do not eat junk food so often, in fact, I prefer the original Indonesian food and healthy," concluded Niki.